Okinawa Village Karate Association
The Okinawa Village Karate Association was founded for the purpose to promote, preserve and propagate classical methods of training and research. All Okinawan based karate styles can benefit from “returning to the source” and learning from tradition. This enables the ryu ha to continue building on sound principles that were the heart of Okinawan karate. The OVKA’s purpose is to facilitate and support members in that pursuit.
Upcoming Event
News Headline
John Hutchcroft, 9th Dan, “Matsumura Ha Shorin Ryu,” is president of the Okinawa Village Karate Association. John Hutchcroft began training in October, 1968, in the “Shorei Goju-ryu” system, Gladstone, Illinois. His first sensei was John L. Black. He attained rank of shodan (1st degree black belt) in July, 1972. He created the Okinawa Village Karate Association after Master Phillip Koeppel passed in 2022.
All Sensei in the Okinawa Village Karate Association are taught “Matsumura Seito Shorinryu.” “Seito” means straight or orthodox, as in straight through the family lineage. Adults learn a progression of basic techniques and drills that increase their skills over time.
Hombu Dojo
New students trained at the hombu dojo are selected by recommendation from other members. Membership is limited and is intended to be exclusive.
Others who hear about us and profess a genuine interest in becoming a student will be interviewed. If the person is selected to become a member of the dojo, there may be a waiting period of up to three months to determine their level of commitment to training with our family ryu ha.
Okinawa Village Karate Association promotes world recognition of the styles all our members that is consistent with the spirit of karate-do.

If you are a dojo that has trained under sensei John Hutchcroft and want to join the Village Karate Association click the become a member link or contact the Association at the Contact link to submit a request to become a member of the association.
In addition to classical karate some sensei teach additional martial arts such as judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and kali.
Examples of different member dojo styles are:
- Matsumura Ha Shorin Ryu
- Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu
- Matsubyashi Shorin Ryu
- Goju Ryu
- Kyokushinkai
- Shotokan
- Kobayashi Shorin Ryu
- Isshinryu
- Matsumura Shorin Ryu Koeppel Ha
Our goal is to serve the membership by continually improving the quality of member standards in order to promote performance that warrants the highest degree of member confidence in the Okinawa Village Karate Association’s integrity, humanity, and fairness.